Strange Weather



Strange Weather trailer from Christy Walsh on Vimeo.

Strange Weather is a dance and video exploration of how we interact with our environment. Shot on an urban beach, the dancers represent the conflicting aspects of industrialization and technology. On one hand, these have brought, and will continue to bring, many wonders that have improved the quality of life for most of us. On the other hand, we have irrevocably altered our natural environment.

I grew up near the Atlantic and I have always felt a deep connection to the ocean. Early in my college career, I took an oceanography class in which we learned about the alarming rise in sea levels on the east coast. This was in the mid 1990’s. Needless to say, the situation has not improved.

Initially conceived as a larger project about climate change, Strange Weather is a duet between Oil and Water. The use of layered images conveys the reality that technology weaves various iterations of both Oil and Water into everything. I hope that one day technology finds a way to guarantee the survival of the planet.